======================================================= Chadwick: Software Tools for Game-Level Baseball Data ======================================================= Introduction ============ Chadwick is an Open Source software project dedicated to making available a quality suite of tools for use in baseball scorekeeping and statistics collection. Authors ------- Chadwick is written, maintained, and Copyright 2002-2019 by Dr T. L. Turocy (ted.turocy gmail com) at Chadwick Baseball Bureau (http://www.chadwick-bureau.com). License ------- Chadwick is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. If the GPL doesn't meet your needs, contact the author for other licensing possibilities. Development ----------- The Chadwick source code is managed using git, at https://github.com/chadwickbureau/chadwick. Bugs in Chadwick should be reported to the issue tracker on github at https://github.com/chadwickbureau/chadwick/issues. Please be as specific as possible in reporting a bug, including the version of Chadwick you are using, the operating system(s) you're using, and a detailed list of steps to reproduce the issue. Community --------- To get the latest news on the Chadwick tool suite, you can: - Subscribe to the Chadwick Baseball Bureau's twitter feed (@chadwickbureau); - Like the Chadwick Baseball Bureau on Facebook; - Read the Chadwick Baseball Bureau's blog at (http://www.chadwick-bureau.com/blog/) Acknowledgments --------------- The author thanks `Sports Reference, LLC `_, the `Society for American Baseball Research `_, and `XMLTeam, Inc. `_ for support in the development of portions of Chadwick. The author also thanks David Smith of `Retrosheet `_ for his always-gracious assistance and guidance. Documentation ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 cwtools .. Indices and tables .. ------------------ .. .. * :ref:`genindex` .. * :ref:`modindex` .. * :ref:`search`